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Is it true that “with God all things are possible”? What does this verse really mean?

“With God all things are possible” Verse in the Scriptures

The story

Matthew 19 tells how a rich man asked, “Teacher, what good must I do to have eternal life?” Jesus told him to keep the commandments. (vs.16,17). The rich man said he had kept them, but wondered what more he should do. Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. So come, follow me. ”(v.21).

Jesus’ standard of perfection was surprising, even to his disciples who overheard this conversation. When they asked about it, he said, “With man it’s but with God, everything is possible” (Matthew 19:26).

Perfection is to anyone except Christ “for no one is righteous; no, not one” (Romans 3:10). Driving a camel through the eye of a needle would be easier (v.24) than to lead a blameless life.

What was the rich man supposed to do then? No one would enter heaven with these conditions. Only the Son of Man is sinless, blameless, and perfect, and yet he seemingly contradicts himself by asserting that “all things are possible with God?” (Matthew 19:26). What did he mean?


Health and wealth are useless without an eternal relationship with God. The rich man’s material treasures were a barrier between him and salvation: hence Christ’s invitation to follow him (Matthew 19:21). Our own path will not take us to heaven; only the path Christ has laid out for us will do that.

“The young and rich ruler did everything to gain eternal life, but it was not enough. It is only by the grace of God that one can receive eternal life,” Aaron Berry said in his speech. Crosswalk article.

Salvation for eternity with the Father is the greatest gift. However, there are also other good gifts.

7 Impossible Things God Has Accomplished in the World Bible

Throughout the Bible, God’s people accomplish unfathomable tasks.

1. Moses drew water from a stone (Exodus 17:6).

2. Infertile women conceived (Sarah And Elizabeth).

3. Esther saved her Jewish relative from massacre (Esther 3-9).

4. A virgin, Mary, gave birth to the Son of God (Luke 1:26 – 2:7).

Moses, Esther, Sarah, Elizabeth and Mary understood that nothing is beyond the power of God.

5. In Judges 4God delivered Jabin and the Canaanite army into the hands of Israel, although the enemy army was more powerful than Israel’s.

6. In 2 Samuel 5, David asked God if he should attack the Philistines. The Lord promised David to “deliver the Philistines into your hand,” a promise he fulfilled. (vv.19,20)

God will conquer our physical enemies, but will also conquer those we cannot see, like John Piper said:

“There is no disease, no addiction, no devil, no bad habit, no fault, no vice, no weakness, no temper, no bad temper, no pride, no no self-pity, no strife, no jealousy, no perversion, no greed, no laziness which Christ will not overcome as the enemy of his honor.

7. Job was a man of God who had lost everything, but the Almighty “was able to do in Job’s life what was by human effort”, according to this comment.

Only God can accomplish anything worth accomplishing. This is when God displays His power most awesomely.

3 things to remember about “with God, all things are possible”

1. The power to accomplish comes from God.

At first, one might attribute the victory to the main characters from the previous stories, but the power comes from the Father.

“God never calls us to responsibility for a kingdom that we are capable of handling ourselves,” Jon Bloom said. Desire God article.

2. The is accomplished for the glory of God.

The Lord explains in particular how and where He demonstrates this power. None of these exploits were free. God brought forth life-giving water, saved lives, and created life. All things are possiblebut only certain things are profitable in God’s economy.

God is most glorified by causing an event to occur that seems demonstrating that only his power is enough.

“Nothing teaches us dependence in prayer like the desperation that comes from being assigned to do what you cannot do without God,” Bloom said.

3. The is accomplished for our good.

Jesus wants the disciples to experience more than just survival or material wealth as a goal in itself. He came to give life in abundance (John 10:10) God “will make known to me the path of life; In your presence is the fullness of joy; In your right hand there are pleasures forever” (Psalm 16:11).

When we pray to “the impossible”

All God asks is that we invite Him into our messes so He can demonstrate His power. When a problem gets worse and praying for a resolution seems futile, Jesus says, “keep asking, and God will give it to you.” Keep looking and you will find. Keep knocking and the door will open for you” (Luke 11:9).

Remember all the times he brought the dead back to life – the daughter of the ruler of the synagogue (Mark 5), the widow’s son (Luke 7), Lazarus (John 11) and his own son (Mark 16). It can turn any defeat into triumph: addiction to a drug or behavior; a marriage about to end; or a lost child who seems too far from home to ever return.

Erik Raymond wrote to The evangelical coalition, “Prayer is a blood-bought privilege for those who trust and cherish Jesus. »

Christians are invited to prayer, which is not the same as receiving the assurance of God’s “yes” to every prayer. We can pray, ask, and plead with Him to bring seemingly reasonable and divine desires into reality, but there is no guarantee that He will do what we ask. His designs cannot be understood, nor his will manipulated, “for who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor? » (Romans 11:34ESV), but every good thing comes from him (James 1:17).

Our warm, close relationship with God is a gift. The ability to speak directly to the Father was once impossible, but as Jesus said: All things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26).

Candice Lucey lives with her husband and daughters in mostly quiet Salmon Arm, British Columbia, Canada. Here, she enjoys digging into the word of God when she is not working or participating in ministry activities. His prose and poetry have previously appeared in publications such as Objective And Illustrated creationand his short plays were performed at Christmas by Sunday school students for several years. Follow Candice’s scriptural studies on her blog

Photo credit: Getty/AaronAmat

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