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How Faith Helps Overcome Fear and Achieve Spiritual Victory

God’s desire is for each of us to grow spiritually and prosper financially; He wants us to move from victory to victory. For this, we must have faith.

We are told in the book of Hebrews:

Hebrews 11:6
But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Yet, as soon as we try to fulfill God’s plan, the enemy attacks us to keep us from moving forward on God’s path, and fear can then overwhelm us. How many times do we think, “What will others say if I do this? Will I measure up?” These thoughts are infused into us by the enemy to trap us in fear and prevent us from acting.

The Bible tells us that fear is a spirit that affects our emotions and makes us weak. That is why we need to have faith in order to reject this spirit of fear.

You may have felt that nervous feeling before, right? Perhaps you have told yourself that you were not capable of doing what God asks of you? Maybe you didn’t feel strong enough to fight against difficulties or the enemy?

But the spirit of fear must not control your life or prevent you from entering into God’s plan. That is why God tells us to choose faith over fear.


We live in a world where many things are frightening: fear of going out and being attacked; fear of taking risks and failing; fear of getting personally involved and exhausting ourselves. Fear can hold people captive and even stop Christians from doing God’s will.

But I thank God because He has made us truly free! He has freed us from fear by giving us faith! We know who our master is, and we carry within us the mighty name of Jesus Christ, the name that has all power in heaven, on earth, and under the earth.

Fear is simply the opposite of faith; it brings us torment and anxiety; it keeps us prisoners. Many people miss out on God’s plan because fear dominates their thoughts: “I am not capable of making decisions. I don’t have the experience to act in God’s work. The failures of my past lead me to fear the future.”

How many men and women live in fear of the future? In fear of what will happen tomorrow? But the Word of God proclaims that we need not worry about tomorrow because God takes care of tomorrow.

Fear also prevents us from going out into the world to preach the Gospel. But every time a soul comes to God, it is a soul set free from the chains of hell.

2 Timothy 1:7
7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Timidity is often an expression of fear: saying nothing for fear of being noticed or corrected. This fear is omnipresent in our society: fear of telling the truth to people, fear of expressing our thoughts, fear of affirming our convictions. This system leads us to live in hypocrisy while God calls us to live in love and honesty. God does not want us to be timid, but to be strong! Therefore, let us not fear others or opportunities; we know in whom we believe, and we must understand that He who is with us is stronger than he who is against us.

The problem with fear is that we hide it and end up living with it. But God calls us to fight against it and rid ourselves of it. We must not hide our fear but confront it while relying on our faith. It is faith that transforms our lives and unleashes the power of God.

How many times have you heard God’s promises and not entered into His plan because you were afraid? How many times does God call someone to serve Him, and that person looks more at what others will think rather than at what God wants?

Something essential to understand: the enemy has no power over you except the power you give him. Fear is a lie from the enemy to prevent you from fulfilling God’s will for your life. Do not listen to it.

I say that fear is a lie because it is based on future possibilities: “If you do this, that will happen to you… If you say this, people will think that about you… If you undertake this project, you will fail.” Nowadays, fear is so pervasive that many people no longer dare to take risks and prefer to stay quietly at home. The fear of failure leads them to live as captives.

When someone goes through illness, the devil is there to make them think of cancer. When a couple is going through tensions, the enemy brandishes divorce. When a person is looking for a job, the enemy only shows them unemployment. When someone leaves their home, the enemy makes them believe that there are attacks at every corner. These are fears that the devil constantly whispers to us to keep us captive and prevent us from moving forward. They even rob us of the joy of living and cause us to withdraw into ourselves. In the end, we are so afraid that we even dare not do what God is asking of us. And know that the more you allow fear to overwhelm you, the harder it will be to move forward.

Being a Christian does not mean that you cannot be a prisoner of fear. But God gives us the key to fight against it: faith. He calls us to pray and fight against all spirits of fear: fear of sickness, fear of undertaking, fear of facing challenges; and for this, He gives us faith as a weapon.

In the face of these attacks, we, children of God, have an even more powerful weapon: faith.

Living the faith at home?

Faith Overcomes Fear

We must learn to fight because the life of a Christian is like that of a soldier who must face trials. A soldier learns to fight to win, and we must learn to struggle with faith to overcome difficulties. However, we must ensure that we are fighting the right battle: we do not fight against flesh, that is, against people, but we fight against spirits.

1 Peter 5:8-9
8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary, the devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.

Every time you do the will of God, the enemy rises up to discourage you. He seeks to attack and hurt you, trying to steer you off God’s path. But what does the Bible say? “Resist him, steadfast in the faith.” Faith is the key to our victory over the enemy’s attacks!

Christians are heavily attacked these days: divorce, unemployment, ridicule. Wanting to walk in God’s ways leads the enemy to attack Christians, but we must stand firm! If we resist the devil, he will flee from us! In other words, God asks us not to be dominated by fear but to remain in faith. That is what the verb “resist” means; we resist by relying on our faith.

Many people have great potential: God has given them gifts and talents, but they do not practice them because of fear. Thus, the enemy prevents them from fulfilling their destiny. Too many Christians live in captivity and do not accomplish God’s will. Of course, they come to church; they love God, but what about the plans God has for their lives?

Of course, fear is a human feeling; everyone feels it. However, God does not call us to live paralyzed by this feeling, but to rise up.

The Bible shows us that extraordinary figures like David, Moses, or Elijah have felt fear. They all went through times of doubt and fear. But if they were able to achieve victory, it was because they relied on God.

When David went to fight the giant Goliath, he must have certainly felt fear; it is normal to feel fear when facing an opponent much stronger than oneself. And David’s first battle was to fight his fear. But once fear was dismissed, he was able to fulfill God’s plan and defeat the giant Goliath.

Our fears are barriers that prevent us from fulfilling God’s plan. But like David, it is by relying on God, and not on our strength, that we will achieve victory.

When Joshua was to succeed Moses in leading the Jewish people to the Promised Land, his first reaction was fear. He felt incapable of succeeding Moses and completing this task. At that moment, God intervenes and tells him:

Joshua 1:6
6 Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.

You see, God knows that we have fear; He understands the doubts we may have in our minds. But He does not want us to be dominated by this feeling because then fear will control our lives! And he who fears cannot obtain victory over his difficulties!

God knows this, which is why He says several times to Joshua: “Be strong and of good courage.” And what He said to Joshua, He repeats to us today: we must not be afraid because He is by our side.

You must resist fear; only then will you achieve victory. So fight! Cast out the spirit of timidity! Drive fear from your thoughts, and you will see the glory of God manifest in your life.

You may feel fear when God asks you for something, but you must obey despite everything.

Even for God’s servants, it is not easy to lead a church because we see how much the enemy can attack Christians. We want all of God’s children to be happy and flourishing in their lives, and it is not easy to witness God’s people going through difficulties. I understand that some may feel discouraged in the face of illness or unemployment. I understand that some may fear tomorrow because the world is difficult. But what does the Lord tell us? To cast away these fears and entrust ourselves to Him.

2 faces of fear, A fear that paralyzes and a fear that awakens.

Resist Against Fear

Know that if you allow fear to take over your life, you will become increasingly unhappy: it brings oppression and bitterness; it makes you a slave to the prince of this world. That is why God asks you to resist. By casting fear from your thoughts, you become free to fulfill your destiny.

I remember the beginning of my ministry; it was not easy at first: I did not know what to talk about, I wondered if my message would touch the congregation. Yet I had to be obedient: when the pastor said, “This afternoon, Bernard, you will bring the message,” I had to do as I was told. I often wondered if it was possible to postpone it to the following week. But no, I had to obey and fight not to let my fear dominate me. But God is faithful, and He supported me at every moment.

God calls us to overcome fear that can overwhelm us when we rise up for Him: setting aside what people will think of us, not looking at criticisms or jealousy. How much we can be attacked when we decide to serve the Lord: people turn their backs on you because they don’t understand, or they belittle you. But we must fight day after day, continue the good fight of faith, and pursue the mission the Lord has entrusted to us, which is to preach the Gospel.

Sometimes fear can be incomprehensible, irrational. Look at Elijah: after challenging and defeating the 400 priests of Baal, he has them slaughtered; and that very evening, he flees before a woman who threatens him. Our fears lead us to have wrong reactions.

But when you decide to put aside your fears and no longer focus on them, you cross a threshold that frees you, and you can move forward again.

The times we live in are not easy for the church: many Christians return to the world because they prefer to walk the broad path rather than the narrow way that leads to destruction. For these people, fear prevented them from rising up and obtaining victories in their lives. And without victory, they ended up discouraged and returned to the world.

My beloved friends, I would like to encourage you strongly: do not let fears overwhelm you; do not hide them, but confront them! Do not be afraid to face the truth because only the truth will set you free. Do not practice the politics of ignorance, but speak, confront your fears, and you will see that you will find a solution. Then your life will go from victory to victory.


Lord, your Word teaches us in Hosea 4:6: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Lord, you came to earth to make us your people. A people who has faith in their God. This message is a challenge for us: to rise up and walk over these fears so as to go from victory to victory. You have a wonderful destiny for each of us, and I want to proclaim this favor in the life of each of your children. I want to tell you that God will grant you great victories if you obey His Word, His voice, and if you do not let yourself be dominated by the spirit of fear. Amen. May God bless you.


Source: enseignemoi

auteur: Bernard Emkeyes

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