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How can I practice biblical meditation?

What does meditation mean in the Bible?

Meditation is a key element of Christian growth. Although the Scriptures do not describe meditation, many think of meditation today, which is greatly influenced by Eastern meditation methodsmeditation in the Bible is associated with growth and prosperity.

Definition of Meditate in the Bible

The following words are translated from Hebrew and Greek (respectively) into our English word for meditate:

Other words are also translated meditatebut they are derived from the words above.

Examples of meditation in the Bible

The first person we see “meditating” in the Bible is Isaac. He was meditating (suach) in a field when the Lord brought him his wife, Rebekah, (Genesis 24:63).

1. Isaac

Isaac was the son of God promised to Abraham and Sarah. Although we know much about Abraham’s incredible faith, Isaac experienced his own personal journey with God.

Isaac was what we considered a bit old as a bachelor, but there he was, waiting for the Lord to provide a wife. He was mourning his mother’s death, meditating and waiting when God brought Rebecca to him. More Biblical scholars think of it as processing life with God in prayer during this time.

Scripture indicates that he took Rebekah as his wife, loved her all his days, and was comforted after his mother’s death. In a culture of polygamy, Isaac only loved Rebecca. As they shared birthday after childless birthday, Isaac prayed and the Lord heard his prayer and blessed them with twins.

Meditation and prayer were intertwined with Isaac’s life, even shaping the direction of his family.

The next example of meditation we see in Scripture occurs in the book of Joshua:

2. Joshua

After Moses died, the Lord gave instructions to Joshua, Moses’ helper. One of the instructions was to meditate on the “book of the law.”

“This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate (hagah) in it day and night, so that you do well to obey everything that is written in it. for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will be successful. “(Joshua 1:8)

The Psalms echo this warning from the book of Joshua:

“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law he meditates (hagah) day and night. It will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which bears its fruit in season and whose leaves do not wither; And in everything he does, he prospers. ”(Psalm 1:2-3)

In these two examples, meditate on the results in doing “all that is written therein,” “bearing fruit” and prospering.

Whether our affairs are blessed because we conduct them with divine principles or our souls are enveloped in the rich peace of Christ, without meditating on the Scriptures we can be sure that we will miss opportunities to prosper in our walks with God. Because as Christians, there is no greater prosperity for us than to know the Lord. Meditating on the Scriptures is one way to experience it!


In Psalm 143David meditated on his past experiences with God while his current experience was overwhelming.

“That is why my spirit is submerged within me. my heart is dismayed within me. I remember the days of old; I meditate (hagah) on all your actions; I think of the work of your hands. “(Psalm 143:4-5)

Although the passage does not directly mention prosperity or success, we can see in David’s life that, intentionally, his heart and mind are set on God, grounding and stabilizing him in his responses to life.

Throughout the Psalms we see David’s example of turning his thoughts to the Scriptures and his past experiences with God when life became difficult.

Practice biblical meditation

Deliberately direct your thoughts to the and remember what he did in the past.

We all meditate on something throughout the day; we may or may not do it with intention. When we are tempted to let our thoughts rule us, we can practice biblical meditation by deliberating with our thoughts and directing them to the things of the Lord. Instead of getting lost in pain, we can focus on God’s promises.

The New Testament gives many instructions on how to direct our thoughts, but the word meditate is not often used.

“Focus on things above, not on earthly things. For you are dead, and your life is now hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you will also appear with him in glory. “(Colossians 3:2-4)

“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The spirit governed by the flesh is hostile to God; he does not submit to God’s law, nor can he. Those who are in the kingdom of the flesh cannot please God. “(Romans 6:6-8)

This example from 1 Timothy is translated “meditate” in the King James Version (and the NKJV), but “through sorrow” in the New American Standard.

“Meditate (meletaō) on these things; give yourself entirely to them, so that your progress is evident to all. “(1 Timothy 4:15 NKJV)

Again, progress (or growth) is indicated as a result of meditation on the ways of God. The Old and New Testaments remind us that where we set our minds has a tremendous impact on the fruitfulness of our lives.

Here are more tips to help you meditate on God’s word.

1. Start and end your day with the Word.

If we read the Word in the morning, it is easy for us to let it slip out of our thoughts during the day. Schedules and demands take these Bible verses away from us. If this is a problem you are facing, as you go to bed at the end of the day, ask yourself what you read in the Bible that morning.

2. Do something with the Word.

But if we do something with what we read, it will help us keep at the forefront of our thoughts. Essentially, whether you do a correlative study with a Bible passage, do a craft with verses, or sing a verse, doing something with the words will help you retain them. And if you remember them, you can meditate on them.

3. Speak the word of God.

If we regularly talk about we will meditate on the . And if we speak and think about we will no longer be able to obey the . And if we obey God’s word, our lives are better positioned to receive His blessings!

Whether you begin to diligently study the Scriptures using verbal tools, stick post-it notes with Bible verses all over your home, or memorize entire chapters, absorb the spirit of the Scriptures! You will be blessed when you do!

April Motl is a pastor’s wife, homeschool mom, and women’s ministry director. When she’s not immersed in the joys and jobs of motherhood, being a woman, and serving in the church, she writes and teaches women. You can find more encouraging resources from April hereAnd here.

Photo credit: Getty / digitalskillet

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