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God's response to man's despair

The incredible story of Abraham and his divine call

I'm going to tell you a story that goes back for a long time, but whose echoes still resonate today. Imagine a man, Abraham, living in a world plunged into chaos and confusion after the famous Tour de Babel (Genesis 11: 1-9). It was not an easy world, far from it. People had lost the north, literally and spiritually. But it is in this context, in the midst of this despair, that God decides to intervene.

Abraham, at that time, was not even called Abraham yet. He was simply Abram, an ordinary man living in Ur in Chaldea (Genesis 11:31). His life was not very different from that of others: he had a family, property, and a homeland. But all of this was going to change with a single call. Yes, a single call from God was going to upset his life, and that of all of humanity.

God said to him: “Abram, leave your country, your kinship, and your father's house, and go to the country that I will show you” (Genesis 12: 1). Do you imagine the audacity of this request? Leaving everything he knew, everything that was familiar to him, for an unknown destination, only on faith in a divine promise.

But Abram did not hesitate. He gathered his business, took his family, and he left (Genesis 12: 4). He did not know where this path would lead him, but he knew that God was with him. And this is how one of the greatest stories of faith of all time begins.

You may wonder why this call is so important. Well, because it is through this man, Abraham, that God has chosen to bless all the nations of the earth (Genesis 12: 3). It is through him that the promise of redemption, which will find its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ, was made (Galatians 3: 8,16).

It was not easy for Abraham. He has gone through tests, doubts, and moments of weakness (Hebrews 11: 8-12). But each time, he chose to trust God. And this faith, this fidelity, were rewarded beyond any measure (Genesis 15: 6).

So what does that mean for us today? This means that, no matter where we are, no matter how desperate our situation, there is always hope. God has not abandoned Abraham, and he will not abandon us either. He has a plan, a promise of blessing for each of us, if we have the faith to answer his call (Jeremiah 29:11, Hebrews 13: 5).

So, my friend, wherever you are right now, know that God also calls you. Perhaps you do not know where this path will lead you yet, but if you have the faith to answer it, you will see extraordinary things happen in your life (Matthew 17:20).

Remain blessed, my friend,
Ralf Dieudonné Jn Mary

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