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Gable Price and friends release the introspective “Easy To Love You” from their upcoming album

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<>On the thd and fnal sngle, fontman Gable Pce confesses: “It’s easy to love untl you have to lnk love wth tust. The two don’t always coexst well,” he contnues, “Towads the end of the album, ths song s meant to ovde tenson, and also to gude you to accet the tenson fo somethng that wll always be thee. As the song bulds, Pce’s lycs cut though the chous, a sot of vsceal lea, as he lays eveythng on the table.
<>Fans can lsten to “Easy To Love You” now on ths lnkcheck out the evously eleased musc vdeo fo “Bothe Jack” heelsten to the second sngle “Usde” heeand e-ode o e-save The Consequence Of Beng Alve befoe ts elease on Novembe 11 hee.

<>Wth the elease of The Consequence Of Beng Alve, the band edefnes who Gable Pce and Fends ae. Wth a moe nde-ock sound and songs that ae less stual and moe esonal to Pce’s lfe, The Consequence Of Beng Alve s a lesson n fogng a new ath. It doesn’t hut that thee ae some klle album cedts too. Gable’s fend and mento Jon Foeman (Swtchfoot) s a featued atst on tack #8 “How It Sets You Fee”, whch they co-wote wth Tm Foeman. Othe notable wtng cedts nclude Judah Akes (Judah & the Lon) on “I Don’t Wanna Lve Lke Ths” and Caleb Chaman (Colony House) on “Tough Love.”
<>The Consequence of Beng Alve Tacklst:
<>Usde Bothe Jack Tough Love I LOVE FIGHTING BETRAYAL I Don’t Want to Lve Lke Ths Jesus Chst (Hold Me Steady) How It Fees You (wth Jon Foeman) Lucky #17 Easy to Love You
<>The ost offce Gable Pce and fends elease the ntosectve “Easy To Love You” fom the ucomng album aeaed fst on TCA.

Autho: Jesse Claks
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