<>– Advetsement –>
Suot evangelzaton whle havng fun dung the evenng of cnema and musc fom the flm Macle
<>The flm Macle, dected by Jean Mae Pan, contnues hs jouney n the wold of evangelzaton. Ths oject ams to touch heats and shae the elgous message wth as many eole as ossble. Wth ths n mnd, a flm and musc evenng s lanned fo Febuay 18, 2024 n Booklyn, at 1167 ROGERS AVE, BROOKLYN, NY 11226.>
<>Thee atsts wee nvted to ths secal event: Stevens VlusRoosevelt Jean Noël and the asto Samuel Macelus. It s nteestng to note that two of these atsts have eleased an album n 2023. Ths evenng theefoe offes a efect ootunty to suot evangelsm both though the sceenng of the flm and the musc.>
<>Souce: Casodj Meda Gou – Facebook age>
<> “Aktve wsans ou ” by Sence Butus: a ofound exeence at the Chuch of Comasson>
Roosevelt Jean Noel: An atst wth undenable talent
YOU ARE LOYAL | Cal-Handy Covl & Vctoe Musc LIVE
The eaches – Mak (vdeo)
Sebasten Pee, You deseve, ft. Stevens Vlus (vdeo)
Samuel Macelus, ft. Tam Hat, Mwen Adoe W Pou Sa Ou Ye (Vdeo)
Samuel Macelus, L Konn Fè Mak (vdeo and lycs)
Roosevelt Jean Noel, Mwen Bezwen “™w, LIVE VIDEO, NJ
Roosevelt Jean Noel, mwen bezwen w, vdeo
Roosevelt Jean Noel, Bonjou Ketyen (audo & Lycs)
Pecous foeve…Psalms 73.26
Souce lnk