Fanmi MAV: An exclusive conference on the theme of self -confidence.
A significant event in Quisqueuya Chapel
Saturday, February 8, Fanmì Mav organized a significant event in Quisqueuya Chapelbringing together its members around essential themes for their personal development: Self -confidence, self -esteemAnd The creation of a visualization table (Vision Board). This day offered a real immersion in the world of personal and spiritual growth.
A commitment beyond the spiritual dimension
Recognized for his commitment to worship through dance, Fanmì Mav Also offers supporting opportunities in other areas, such as personal and social development. The objective of the event was to provide young people with tools to strengthen their inner confidence and visualize their future.
Inspiring intervention by Georgia Jennifer Lusmat
The conference began with passionate intervention by the coordinator of Fanmì Mav,, Georgia Jennifer Lusmatwho invited the participants to open up to the rediscovery of oneself. She encouraged them to cultivate solid confidence in themselves and shared advice on overcoming internal obstacles, thus building unshakable self-esteem. At the end of her intervention, several young people testified to the deep impact of the session, stressing how she had pushed them to surpass themselves.
Practical workshop on the visualization table
Afterwards, Mrs. Élodie Woolley guided the participants in the art of creating their own Visualization table. This powerful tool makes it possible to clarify your objectives and make your dreams come true. Each participant was able to add elements on his table representing his projects and aspirations for 2025, thus promoting a reflection on a future filled with success and personal growth.
Moment of relaxation and connection
The event took a dynamic turn thanks to the animation of Barbara Persona,, Jennifer PayenAnd Sabrina DEGRANGEwhich have introduced moments of entertainment and interactive games. This fun touch has created a pleasant and friendly atmosphere, allowing young people to relax while educating and connecting to each other.
Inspiring fence by the Apostle Maxo Joseph
At the end of the day, The apostle Maxo Josephfounder of Ministry of Vihamo Adorer (MAV) and Fanmì Mavclosed this event inspiring by an intervention marked by wisdom and blessings. He prophesied on the projects of each young person, offering them words of motivation and encouraging them to continue their dreams with persistence. The event ended with a fervent prayer, asking God to guide and strengthen everyone on his life path.
A new vision of the future
This event marked the minds and allowed participants to leave with a new vision of their future. Fanmì Mav Continue to play a crucial role in supporting young people in their spiritual and personal development, providing them with precious tools to transform their dreams into reality.
Congratulations to the Fanmì Mav team
Congratulations to the whole team of Fanmì Mav For the successful organization of this enriching and motivating conference!
CP: Julispeter Julis and Sadwine Loiz St Surin
Writing: Media seed
Source: Media seed – Facebook page