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Exclusive, Mitch Wong Shares His Journey From “Burial” To Bloom On His Debut Album

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<>Austalan songwte and wosh leade Mtch Wong ecently eleased “Bual,” the fst sngle fom hs ucomng debut album. Wtten n collaboaton wth Cody Canes, the new song exloes the bblcal natue of death and esuecton. The ntoducton to hs oject wth “Bual” sets the stage fo the evelaton caed n hs songwtng: the mystey that unfolds afte the bual s that we ae made new ceatons n Chst; the old has gone, and behold, the new has come. The theologcal deth of Mtch Wong’s songs s cental to hs mnsty, and “Bual” exands on the dffcult call to dsclesh that one faces n followng Jesus. In ths TCB exclusve, Wong looks back on hs debut sngle and talks about what to exect fom hs ucomng LP.
<>Congatulatons on the ecent elease of the sngle fom you ucomng debut album! Can you tell us why “Bual” was the fst sngle you wanted to elease?I had ths song on a sleeless nght last yea. I have all these deas and songs, and I can’t wat to shae them! Fo so long I was a songwte and I was sue that ths s what God was callng me to do. And wth these songs, t was God sayng that he wanted me to sng them and cay them. I felt t comng, but the tmng was eally exctng. The eason I chose “Bual” to begn wth s because the album s gong to be the jouney fom bual to floweng. It s such a bblcal concet that obsesses me. Even wth sowng and eang, you can only have a havest f you allow the seeds to be bued. It’s the same thng wth the esuecton. Thee can be no esuecton wthout a gave. And all these thngs and the jouney that God takes us though wth dffculty, suffeng, soow and an; the fut s so abundant aftewads. So I just want to wte a collecton of songs that exlan ths moe. So thee’s no bette lace to stat than the fst lne of the song: “to de s gan.” It’s a etty dffcult and heavy lne to stat a oject on, but t eally s the gosel. We must de to ouselves to become dscles of Jesus, whch s the macle that comes afte bual. When we choose to let go of the old and take u the new, Jesus s the hoe of Gloy wthn us.
<>How do you ty to defne the success and mact of ths sngle?I want the mact to be lmted to a few thngs – one of the thngs I want ths oject to do s emnd eole of the Gosel n ts fullness. Often we celebate the esuected Jesus on Sunday, but we foget Hm on the coss on Fday. It s motant to embace the fullness of the Gosel – t costs eveythng to take u you coss and follow Jesus daly. I thnk t s woth emndng beleves of ths. If we ganed the whole wold, but lost ou souls, what would t be woth? Even the had tuths that t wll take teas and wok, but t wll be woth t n the end. Anothe thng I want ths oject to be s an encouagement to anyone who has exeenced loss. The song that stated ths whole oject was wtten fo a fend who lost he fathe n 2020. I woke u n the mddle of the nght and had ths song called ©e “To Be Wth The Lod”. It was a song that met us n soow. The hoe we have n Jesus and the etenal lfe that awats us s a hoe so gloous that even Jesus wet when Lazaus ded. It s motant that we not ush asde gef, but allow God to gude us though t and exeence Hm moe. Thee s anothe song called “Stll On The Thone” and ths song was wtten fo a fend whose wfe had ded afte chldbth of the fst chld. What do you say n somethng as tagc as that, and we ddn’t want t to be a soluton to eveythng. But we must tust that even dung ths, Jesus s stll on the thone and s wth us even n soow.
<>What has stood out to you fom the lstene esonses so fa?All the messages I eceved ae an encouagement to me. As atsts, and atsts Chstans n atcula, we feel God sayng ths. The bottom lne s that I felt lke I had to say “yes” to eleasng these songs. And whateve success o flow comes fom t, they ae eheal to that. As long as you say “yes” to Jesus, even f one eson lstens, t’s woth t. I saw ths comment that ths lady had two stllbon chlden and the song had been an encouagement to efame what she had been gong though. And I’m stll ocessng ths. It’s had fo me to beleve that we can hel encouage eole lke ths though musc and sctue. Ths s what s oweful about the Wod of God. When ut nto song, t hels you emembe t and cay t.
<>You’ve been n the musc ndusty fo a whle, so how has ths oject been dffeent fo you? What have you leaned about youself?I leaned a lot about myself, and t has to do wth what I just sad. It s woth sayng “yes” to Jesus. He wll bless hm whateve haens. Eveythng about the latfom, I want to be odaned by God. God has encouaged me so much by the feedback fom ths. At the age of 16, I stated wtng songs n my bedoom and fo my chuch. Seeng these songs seve eole s what made me say I wanted to do ths fo the est of my lfe. It was cool to lean that the heat of t all s the same – I want to use musc to encouage eole and bng Gloy to God. Anothe thng I leaned s that t’s had wok! It takes a lot and evey tme a song comes out, the emoton I feel s a elef. I’m excted and gateful, but also elved. You’ve had these songs n you heat fo so long, and fnally I don’t need to hold them anymoe and God can do wth them what He wants.
<>What ae you most lookng fowad to fo 2023?Evey yea we have thngs to look fowad to. God s so good. We just eceved ou geen cads, so fo the fst tme n 3 yeas my wfe and I wll be able to come home and see famly. I’m so lookng fowad to t! The elease of the oject s a no-bane, and t’s just a eally exctng tme fo the chuch. I’m excted to be a at of what God s dong on eath. It has been a eal tme of sftng and e-evaluatng what s motant and what s the Gosel and what s non-negotable. It’s always beautful to see the chuch eachng communtes.
<> Ths s a tanslaton of the atcle: Exclusve: Mtch Wong shaes hs jouney fom “Bual” to Bloom on hs debut album aeaed fst on TCA.
<>Autho: Jesse Claks<>Lnk to ublcaton souce
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