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Exclusive, Gary Sprewell Talks ‘Church’n With Friends’

International Evangelist, Gary Sprewellhas just released his debut album, Gary Sprewell Church’n With Friends. Sprewell, who has ministered in fifteen countries around the world, is widely known for his charismatic preaching style with a big voice to accompany it. Now, he’s taken that gift and invited some of the biggest names in gospel music to create a live recorded worship experience for the world to hear. Special guests include Karen Clark Sheard, Marvin Sapp, Chrystal Rucker, Dr. Myron Williams and Johnteris Tate (of Soul Seekers). In this TCB exclusive, Gary talks about the vision for this record, what he hopes listeners will take away from the collection and what he’s looking forward to in the new year.

Congratulations on the recent release of Gary Sprewell’s Church’n With Friends! When did you first have your vision for this project and how did it evolve leading up to release?
Thank you so much! I had the vision for this project sitting at home talking to people who are struggling in their faith because of this pandemic. The pandemic has been hard on a lot of people, so I wanted to offer them what helped me when I was going through some of the most traumatic times of my life as a child, songs from back in the day. So this project really came from hearing from people who needed to feel close to God in a time where it felt like He was silent.
I was originally going to record it live from home and I was going to title it “worship through a pandemic” but I didn’t want to date the project so we chose to title it but I hope it still helps people through their crisis even after this pandemic.

Why is the overall theme/message of this project so important to you personally?
The overall message of this project is important to me because I realize that corporate worship or “church with friends” is one of the things that the pandemic has kind of stolen from us. Connection with God is vital, but community is also important. So I pray that this project helps people reconnect whether in person or virtually.

What words do you think the world most needs to hear right now in its current state?
What’s amazing about this project is that the music is powerful but the message is life changing. Each song has lyrical content that will find you where you are and/or take you where you need to be, so it’s hard to pick just one lyric. The world needs to hear it all! [Laughs.]

Is there a recurring theme that you’ve noticed in the listener responses you’ve received?
The recurring theme I have noticed among listeners is that “the sound” resonates with them. The sound of the classic Pentecostal church is a sound that brings the children of the church back to their education and captivates the new convert. The sound of the church is still very powerful.

How do you seek to define the success of this first project?
I would define success by the number of lives touched and the number of people encouraged. I would love awards and milestone achievements, but I measure success by the souls that were touched and the lives changed.

Who or what inspires you right now, whether musically or spiritually?
I am super inspired by everyone involved in this project. Kierra is killing the game not only as an artist, but as an entrepreneur and new wife. Watching her maximize every area of ​​her life is incredible. Lady Karen is a legend. Watching the Clark sisters get their second or third wind with their Lifetime movie and grow their audience is epic. She is killing it on the big screen and everywhere in between. Marvin moving back to Texas and starting a label, Myron making history at COGIC as the first male president in music, Tate thriving in LA, Chrystal being comfortable in her own skin and improving every day… They all inspire me and I am so grateful to be connected to them all.

What are you most looking forward to in 2022?
In 2022, I expect to see God’s promises fulfilled in my life and in the lives of those connected to me. I know that God does not lie or forget. Everything He has said is going to happen and it is going to happen fast! 2022 is going to be the best 2022 we have ever seen!

The post office Exclusive: Gary Sprewell Talks ‘Church’n With Friends’ first appeared on TCB.

Author: Jessie Clarks

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