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Exclusive, Davy Flowers explains how sharing his personal walk with God inspired ‘I Was Loved’

Congratulations on the upcoming release of I Was Loved! When did you first have the vision for this project?
I’ve been writing regularly for a few years, and in January Shane Barnard and I sat down and listened to several songs I had written or co-written. It was pretty clear that it was time for me to make a full album. It has been so amazing to see all of this unfold in the Lord’s time. I’ve wanted to make a record for several years now, but either the timing hasn’t been right or the songs haven’t been good. I am so grateful and humbled to experience the moment when everything came together.

You have previewed the upcoming project with the title track. What has stood out to you about the listener responses you’ve received so far?
“I Was Loved” is essentially my testimony in a song – it’s all I want to say at the end of my life about who Jesus was to me and what He did for me over the years I walked with him. This song seemed to inspire listeners to reflect on their own history with Jesus and his faithfulness in their lives. I loved that people contacted me to share their stories.
I think there is so much power in remembering and so much power in telling and telling personal stories of God’s faithfulness. More to the point, there is power in the truth of His unwavering affection for His children, no matter what happens or goes. I pray that the Truth will encourage and strengthen every heart that hears this song.

How do you think the title track helps preview the full project (aside from the name)?
The title track is the most authentic representation of who I am and the relationship between my heart and the Lord. It’s raw. It’s authentic. It’s childish. It’s passionate. There are tender moments and there are powerful, dynamic moments. The lyrics are both prayerful and personal. And I think all of those same things can be said about every song on the record. I hope each song takes the heart on a journey.

You co-wrote 11 of the 12 tracks on this album. Was this something you wanted to accomplish at the start of this project?
I don’t know if it’s something I specifically wanted to accomplish, but it happened very naturally. Songwriting has been an integral part of my daily walk with the Lord, and has been for many years now. I love expressing my heart and writing music that connects human hearts to the heart of a holy God.

Is there a song that means something different to you now than when you first wrote it?
I wrote the song “Be Near to Me” during a season where I really had a hard time believing that God was with me. I struggled with loneliness, isolation, and self-pity, and it was difficult to feel God’s presence. I desperately wanted to believe that God’s companionship and closeness was a reality, but it felt so far away. Ultimately, this song was written as a desperate prayer.
By the grace of God, in the season I am in now, I have never felt closer to Him. He has brought me to a place where I am fully convinced that living and abiding in the presence of God is not a feeling, but a knowing. His closeness to me does not increase or decrease with the circumstances of this life—He is always there! He never leaves or gives up, not even for a moment. When I sing “Be Near Me” now, I still feel despair because I know how deep my need for Him is, but it’s not the kind of despair that wonders if an answer will ever come. It’s a confident desperation.

How do you seek to define the success of this collection?
Defining success is a very interesting thing when you look at it from a Kingdom perspective. I could say that a certain number of streams or levels of commitment will define success, but ultimately we know that in the Kingdom of God – where Christ reigns as King – all parameters are different. While I praise God for any type of “commercial” success of this record, my sincere hope and prayer is that these songs find their way into the ears and hearts of every person who needs to hear them. I pray that listeners will find hope in Christ, strength to continue pursuing Him, and be strengthened by the reminder of His unceasing pursuit of them. If it’s 10 people or 10,000, my hallelujah will be the same… really!

I’m excited to worship and meet so many of God’s people, in just about every corner of the country, including several places I’ve never been before. I am excited to see the way God is at work and moving among His people throughout this nation, especially in the troubled times we are all experiencing. Jesus is alive; the Body of Christ is alive; and I can’t wait to see it!

What are you most looking forward to in 2022?
I expect God to push me out of the comfortable, complacent box I have built around myself over the last few years. I’m just ready for God to shake it all up. I feel like I’m at the start of a new adventure with Jesus and I’m dizzy to be traveling with Him! I expect to see Him at work in new ways, in new places, with all kinds of people. I am eager and desperate to see Jesus gain much glory from my small but wholehearted offering to Him in this account.

The post office Exclusive: Davy Flowers Shares How Sharing His Personal Walk With God Inspired ‘I Was Loved’ appeared first on TCA.

Author: Jessie Clarks

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