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Don’t Give Up Before It Gets Good

<>– Advetsement –

Tasha Cobbs Leonad’s fst book, ttled Do It Anywhee: Don’t Gve U Befoe It Gets Good, wll be ublshed on May 7, 2024 by WateBook.

<>Tasha Cobbs LeonadGammy Awad wnne and Bllboad Gosel Atst of the Decade, today announced the elease of he fst book and evealed a fst look at the cove on he socal netwokswhee she has moe than 9 mllon subscbes.
<>Known to mllons not only fo hs excetonal voce but also fo hs nfectous smle and ostvty, Cobbs Leonad eveals, n ths new book, fo the fst tme a new sde of hs esonalty by shang vey esonal moments of unexected challenges such as nfetlty, weght oblems, gef and debltatng deesson. Its uose s to demonstate the tansfomatve owe of eslent fath and eseveance.
<>Tasha Cobbs Leonad has aleady been featued n many estgous meda outlets such as Good Monng Ameca, Fox & Fends, Tamon Hall, Peole, Bllboad and Vaety. She has long catued the heats of Chstan musc loves aound the wold wth oweful songs lke “Beak Evey Chan,” “You Know My Name,” and “Fll Me U.” Today, she uses he asson and heat to nse and equ eades to deam bg, ovecome the fea of falue, and lean to ecognze and follow God’s leadng.

<>“On the othe sde of enduance s beakthough and tansfomaton. Ths lesson has changed my lfe n ncedble ways tme and tme agan,” says Cobbs Leonad. “And I thnk t wll do the same fo you.” »

<>Tasha Cobbs Leonad s one of the most emblematc atsts n the hstoy of Gosel musc. She was named Gosel Atst of the Decade by Bllboad and has won one Gammy Awad, thee Bllboad Musc Awads, fouteen GMA Dove Awads, sxteen Stella Awads and also eceved two RIAA cetfed Platnum sngles. In addton to he musc caee, Tasha seves as executve asto of the chuch lant, The Puose Place, n Satanbug, South Caolna, alongsde he husband Kenneth Leonad J. She s also an accomlshed enteeneu and owne of seveal busnesses , and she founded the Lead Escae mentosh ogam whch ams to develo and advance the next geneaton of atsts and cultual leades. Tasha lves n Geenvlle, South Caolna wth he husband and the fou chlden.
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<>Souce of nfomaton <>Follow us on Facebook
<>Tasha Cobbs Leonad announces a new book,
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<>Jonathan McReynolds shaes had-httng tuths about beng a gosel atst

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