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Does God do miracles now like he did in the Bible?

Does God still work miracles in today’s world? Or are miracles something that was limited to biblical times? This article will attempt to provide an answer to the question of miracles today.

What is a miracle?

There are some preliminary questions that need to be addressed before tackling the question of miracles in our time, and the first of these involves the definition of a miracle. What is a miracle?

We hear the term used loosely today. “It was a miracle that I found a parking space near the store,” the “Miracle on Ice” describes the U.S. hockey team’s unexpected loss to the Soviets for a gold medal at the Olympics, or , “It was a miracle that he survived that car accident. »

But are they really miracles? Or just very unusual and unexpected events or results? The biblical use of miracle is an action of God that produces a result outside of natural means. An action that pointed to God as the cause.

Crossing the sea on dry land, healing the sick, chasing away evil spirits, feeding a multitude with five small loaves of bread and a few fish, or walking on water are just a few examples of biblical miracles. These are clearly causes of God, not just something unusual.

, it’s entirely possible that God arranged for your parking spot to open up for you, or favored the American hockey team, or any of those other things sometimes called miracles. But how would we know?

Two types of miracles

For the purposes of this article, I want to divide miracles into two distinct categories. The first is for those miracles that are similar to what we call miracles in the Bible. These events have provoked God’s attention and are difficult to deny, and they will be the subject of the remainder of this article.

But I believe there is a second category of miracles. Those that are invisible or not as obvious. These could include God’s intervention to prevent an accident. A miracle because it’s something God did, but we probably have no idea it even happened.

And I believe that when God answers prayer, that a miracle has happened. God entered our world to act in answer to our prayer. Whether it’s healing the sick, protecting ourselves from harm, or equipping us for service in His kingdom, it’s all a miracle. They are God’s intervention in the normal functioning of the natural world, and these miracles are occurring in the world today.

What was the purpose of miracles in the Bible?

A second preliminary question about miracles concerns their purpose. Why did God perform miracles in the Bible? What were they for?

It might be tempting to think that there are miracles recorded throughout the Bible. But this is not the case. Miracles are mainly grouped around three distinct periods. The first period is during the Exodus and in the conquest of Canaan under Moses and Joshua, the second period is during the ministries of Elijah and Elisha, and the last period is during the ministry of Jesus and his apostles. Although this covers the entire New Testament period, it leaves large gaps in Old Testament history. Gaps where there have been few or no miracles recorded.

In each of these periods, God demonstrated His presence in a powerful way. Especially in the days of Moses and Jesus. With Moses, God works to free the Jewish slaves and transform them into a nation. And with Jesus, the miracles are to prove that Jesus was from God and to establish his church.

In both cases, God shows that the work done is not of men but of God. The miracles during the ministry of Elijah and Elisha are not in the establishment of a people of God. But they occur in the context of a call of God’s people to worship the true God.

Does God perform miracles today?

I know of no scriptural reason why God would not or could not perform miracles today. He is still sovereign God and our modern world has not somehow minimized His ability to act in miraculous ways.

But God works most often through his people. He commissioned his church to take the gospel to the world, making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). The Bible records for us the miracles that God used to establish His church, and we can look back on them to validate the divine origin of the church and God’s calling. We don’t need miracles today to do it.

The Gospel of John records a number of post-resurrection appearances of Jesus. Among these, a visit with Thomas John 20:24-29. At the end of this apparition, Thomas believed that Jesus had indeed risen from the dead.

This passage then ends with what I believe to be Jesus’ answer to the question of miracles today. “Because you have seen me, you have believed; Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed. »

Jesus said that we who believe without physical proof of the resurrection are blessed. And, by extension, I think this applies to miracles in general. Those who believe by faith alone, except the miraculous, are blessed. Of course, all who believe are blessed, but even more so, those who believe apart from external experiences.

Judging the source of a miracle

Scripture refers to two sources of miracles. The main source is God, but in 2 Thessalonians 2:9and in several places in Revelation you find another source. Satan and his Antichrist will use signs and wonders to deceive people away from the truth, which presents a challenge to the believer. If I were to see a miraculous sign, how would I know who produced it?

When you see a miraculous sign, the first thing to evaluate is who is being glorified by it. Does it call attention to the one who produces it, or to someone or something other than God? If so, then it is not from God. A true miracle from God will never exalt anyone other than God himself.

What does it mean?

We might enjoy seeing a great miracle and we might believe that it would advance the cause of Christ if people saw such an obvious sign of the reality of God. But I believe it is highly unlikely that we will see anyone replicating the miracles of Jesus today. God calls us to trust him by faith, not by sight.

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Ed Jarrett is a longtime follower of Jesus and a member of Sylvan Way Baptist Church. He has taught the Bible for over 40 years and blogs regularly at A clay pot. You can also follow him on Twitter Or Facebook. Ed is married with two children and a grandfather of three. He is retired and currently enjoys his gardens and hiking.


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