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“Do not give up”, Hebrews 10v25, 10v35, 13v5

The Bible often talks about the difficulties of life; because it is a reality for everyone. To face it, the author of the epistle to the Hebrews speaks, and this is also for good, of 3 forces which allow the to overcome these difficulties: we will note 3 “do not give up”. They may show us disparate but they are 3 pillars which allow, if on the lives, good.

1) “Let us not abandon our assembly” (Hebrews 10v25).

The first pillar talks about our relationships on the horizontal level. What does that mean? This exhortation can be misinterpreted: it is not about denominational membership; the author talks about being together, assembled. Another translation says: “Let us not get into the habit, like some, of neglecting our meetings.” The emphasis is on meetings with . This is opposed to voluntary isolation, withdrawal into oneself, or an alleged conception of Christian life, based on individualism, where each person lives their faith for themselves without connection with others. .

. Be careful, says the Lord, don’t lose the habit of getting together. The risk is to let go, to stay with another priority (leisure, a passion, no need to become a necessity), or to sink into a nice little laziness (it’s still worship at 10 a.m. Sunday morning…), or in self-sufficiency (in what way do I need others…?) Or in egocentrism (I lose awareness of the fact that I can contribute to others…), or simply in losing the desire to don’t want to be with others especially with some…).

Why does the author emphasize this point?

  • We made that not gathering with others was a reality, already… 2000 years: “as is the custom of some”; the author thereby shows that there is a risk of gangrene.
  • He also insists because coming together requires effort (coming out of one’s shell); it appeals to our will.
  • We may not perceive that the Church is a body which, self-titled, speaks of inevitable solidarity; even if some members are weaker than others or less important or interesting, they are united and they show it.
  • The encouragement to meet is linked to one but; this but given before and after: “Let us make sure on top of each other pour we encourage mutually to love and to do good” (v24); “Let us encourage mutuallyand this all the more as you see yourself drawing near to the day of the Lord” (v25b).

The emphasis is on relationships between Christians.

Someone said: “Giving and receiving brings the soul to life”. God’s plan for his body, the Churchis to live in a climate of enrichment mutual (and this is already experienced by being together); our way of being is perhaps more important than our words; I think of these words of Job: “I smiled at them when they lost courage” (Job 29v24).

In contrast, judgment destroys. Woe to the players of a rugby team who, during the match, criticize themselves, reproach themselves instead of overcoming the mistakes that some make; The most constructive thing is to encourage them, instead.

There is a song of the wings of the will which absolutely must speak of rugby: it is “What a faithful and tender friend we have in Jesus Christ”: “always ready to make war against us when we press the enemy; We live in the fray, surround us with his arms”… Despite our weaknesses and our failings, he is there and encourages us.

The goal of being a participant, alongside others and not a spectator in front of the television, at home. Criticism almost always comes from those who feel disassociated: “He who stands aside seeks what pleases him, he is angry with what is wise” (Proverbs 18v1).

The different members of a Church have the vocation of mutual aid.

They are neither superior nor inferior; wealth is in mutual aid. For some, it is easy to always be when everything is going well, and when difficulties are there, one deserts; for others, on the contrary, it is when things are going badly that they cling to the church. But for everyone, it is they who are at the center. The Lord wanted the goal of Christians to be: to help each other not to fall, to help each other not to give in. Others need you, you need others.

So, how should I review my participation in meetings? And my relationship with others?

2) “Do not give up your confidence which has a great reward” (Hebrews 10v35).

. What is this insurance? Eternal life with God.

Several French people at the Winter Olympics in South Korea finished fourth; they got the chocolate medal; that is to say that we have forgetfulness: they are medalists whom we remember… Unlike athletes who do not exist for the competition, each Christian has this assurance of eternal life. It was engaging in the flow of life with God that made this reward.

Don’t steal the prize by having a better life than your neighbor; we are all on the same level and God will reward everyone who is engaged in the course with him.

. But if the author invites do not give up this insurance, is that it is not… all risks: among those who demonstrate a certain faith, some have been abandoned along the way. He is who has gone back (10v38); they have lost the north, they no longer have their GPS (= Keeping the Word of the Lord) which patiently repeated a U-turn. The risk is no longer “Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, who opened the path of faith for us and who is the door to perfection” (12v2) but to let yourself be attracted “Through sin we easily become”.

. He is given the means to hold on:

  • The first way to hold on is to “keep your eyes fixed on Jesus”.
  • The second means indicated: “You need perseverance” (or endurance, patience) (10v36); the reason? The trials (or temptations) are numerous. If a car needs fuel to move forward, it must be put in the tank, otherwise it will break down; and do the opposite to us, as Christians: I must made perseverance to move forward.
    But Scripture gives us the solution: it is in union with the Lord! For the apostle Paul, this is the secret to standing firm: “May God, source of all perseverance and with all comfort, gives you to live in agreement with others, according to the teaching of Jesus Christ” (Ro 15v5; .
  • The third way to act for faith, : “He who is righteous in my eyes will live by faith” (Hebrews 10v38). There talks about abandoning everything to him and knowing that he will act, despite what we see.
  • And then there is certainty of eternal life and this should give us courage (Hebrews 10v36, 37, 39).

The first pillar was horizontal and spoke of the relationships between us, the second pillar is towards the sky.

So, how have I forsaken this assurance of eternal life?

3) “I will not delegate to you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13v5)

This third pillar is not our responsibility: it depends on God; it does not correspond to an effort, nor to the part of the human being, nor even to its part: it is a God of a state. It speaks of a constant attitude. While waiting to arrive at the goal, God gives us this extraordinary promise: “ God himself said: ‘I will not leave you nor forsake you’ »(Hebrews 13v5). This third pillar comes from above. We do not need to try to influence God: he assures us of his presence.

. The risk?

  • It is because we imagine that, because the pitfalls are numerous, we have abandoned ourselves. It is not possible. Attention: when the clouds are there, the effect of the sun is felt; the proof is that we get sunburns! The Lord acts in the midst of trials.
  • Discouragement can also come from the weight of the past and the uncertainty of the future, that’s another risk.
  • We not think that with we have we have we need for we’ll we have we need to you have we have we have to have our what we have we have to be our you we have we have to be our you to we have we have to you we have we have to be and yet… “If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he can never deny himself” (2 Tim 2v13): this is who God is and what he wants to do for us.

. This promise that will not abandon us is there, for any situation, for every moment; It recurs regularly throughout the history of the people of God:

Jacob receives this promise when he leaves for an uncertain future (Genesis 28v15), or when the Hebrew people understand that they will lose their leader Moses (Deuteronomy 31v6) and then to Joshua when he becomes leader in Moses’ place (there is enough to panic…; Deuteronomy 31v8, Jos 1v5), or even some 7 centuries later, by Isaiah, when God encourages the people who are without strength (Isaiah 41v17): each time there is this affirmation: “I will not abandon you and I will not abandon you! “.

“So we can say with confidence: the Lord will help me; I will not be afraid. What should men do to me? »(Hebrews 13v6).

He who lives close to God and feeds on his promises is filled with this assurance. In this text, this promise is given in relation to material goods: in this area too, God does not abandon us.

He promises his help to those who do not give in to the love of money (v5); What does that mean? The risk is to trust in these material goods to such an extent that they take up an inordinate amount of space, or that we are never satisfied, we never have enough.

So, let’s not lose sight of our team leader, whatever happens, he will be there; let us rely on what he is, what he has done and what he will do. Someone said: “Do not be troubled about the path you must go. But know that it is the love of God the Father that leads.”

How can I take hold by faith of this promise that He will never forsake me? For what situation?

For everyone, the race can be trying. But the Lord has given us several ways to overcome them:

  • We are part of a team, and that encourages us
  • The purpose of our life is eternal life with God, and this allows us to have persevering confidence,
  • God will always be by our side, and this reassures and strengthens us.


This item “Do not give up”: Hebrews 10v25, 10v35, 13v5 appeared first on Protestant Evangelical Methodist Church Agen.

Author eglise.agen

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