the next sgnatue sale of the thd album, “AFICHE W”. Scheduled fo Febuay 18 at Le Vlate
<>Afte the success of the fst sgnatue sale at the Rendez-vous Chst chuch n Delmas 75 on Novembe 26, Mystèe Dvn wshes to extend ths unque exeence to the ublc of Peton -Cty and suoundng aeas.Stay tuned fo moe detals and eae to mmese youself n the catvatng unvese of Dvne Mystey.>
<>Souce: Semence Meda – Facebook age>
<>A beathtakng show: L’unson 2023 at the Muncal Palace of Delmas 33
Souce lnk