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Discerning the Will of God

How can we discern what God’s Will is in certain aspects of our lives?

How can we be assured of acting according to God’s Will?

Above all, let us realize that the Will of God is closely linked to the sovereignty of God. Our own will is not God’s will, for the will of the human being is under the bondage of sin and corruption.

It is totally depraved and constantly opposes that of God.

Doing God’s will is a process.

As we grow in the Lord, obeying His leading, the Father trusts us more and more, giving us more responsibilities, more power, more blessings, and more challenges.

This maturity in the Lord is a walk of faith, in righteousness and in holiness as 1 Thessalonians 4: 3, 7 says:

“What God wants is your sanctification; that you abstain from fornication; For God has not called us to impurity, but to holiness. Therefore whoever rejects these precepts does not reject man, but God, who also has given you his Holy Spirit. »

Automatically we have the divine life within us, we will feel good when we act according to this life, and terribly uncomfortable when we deviate somewhat from this life.

Whenever we feel uneasy, we must realize that the Holy Spirit within us disapproves of what we are doing because he is grieved. Brothers and sisters, It is possible to live in a holy way, according to the will of God, but it is impossible: to live according to this will independently of God, by your own efforts and without considering the teaching of God.

The Lord wants you to always be in harmony with him, that his thoughts become your actions. He wants you to walk so close to Him that you will never lack the power to defeat the evil in this world.

Take a new Today,

Walk in union with your God. Be attentive to his call, his love, his wisdom, … to his Spirit.

If you let the thought of Christ flow through you, your life will be sweet, happy, and pleasant.

May God help you to remain in the knowledge of His will!

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