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Classroom Teaching (2019), Dr. James Emery White, Blogs

I’ve written before about the five “Cs” I look for when it comes to hiring staff or inviting volunteers into strategic leadership roles: competence, character, catalytic ability, chemistry, and calling.

But in various contexts, I have increasingly found myself talking about the character trait that characterizes those who succeed and thrive within an organization – the mark that defines a truly successful person. I’m not talking about the world’s definition of success, but about those who make their mark on the Kingdom and seek to reach their full redemptive potential as an ambassador of Christ.

This is “teaching”.

Not sure if that’s a word, but it works for me.

It means someone who is (obviously) teachable. It’s more than being able to learn, but being willing to learn. Eager to learn. Eager to learn.

And what does it take to be taught?


Pride that prevents being taught is one of the most subtle forms of pride there is, and I have found that it takes root and prevents many people from becoming who and what they desire to become. more become.

So let’s tease this one.

Here is a series of questions to ask yourself:

Do you…

… ardently ask for advice?

…feel entitled to what position, visibility or platform you should have?

…Fly across the country to deliver a sermon, but never cross the street to hear one?

…automatically assumes you know pretty much everything you’re currently doing?

…Puts what you do before others for consideration?

…Work to be truly open to new ideas and perspectives, rather than just shutting them down or arguing them out?

… Seek to be intentionally mentored and coached?

Notice the questions I didn’t ask. I didn’t ask you if you read the hottest headlines, visit the hottest websites, or talk to the hottest blogs.

You can do all of these things without being teachable.

My questions were aimed at attitude. In mind. To the humility necessary for making tea.

Ultimately, teaching is not about learning.

It’s about knowing that you have to do it.

James Emery White

Editor’s Note

This blog was originally published in 2014 and the Church & Culture team thought you would enjoy reading it again.

About the Author

James Emery White is the founder and senior pastor of Mecklenburg Community Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, and assistant professor of theology and culture at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, where he also served as its fourth president. His latest book, Meeting Generation Z: Understanding and Reaching the New Post-Christian WorldEast available on Amazon. To benefit from a free subscription to the Church & Culture blog, visit the website, where you can view past blogs in our archives and read the latest church and cultural news from around the world. Follow Dr. White on Twitter, Facebook And Instagram.

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