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Christian female leadership: inspiring biblical examples

Female leadership in the church: advanced and challenges.

“” And if God called you to greater than What have you always told you? »»

For centuries, the role of women in the Church has been subject to debate. However, the Bible itself is full of examples of women who have exercised strong, daring and inspiring leadership. They were not always in official positions, but they influenced the history of the people of God in a powerful way.

Even today, their inheritance continues to challenge: what place do women have in evangelical leadership? What challenges remain to be met?

Let us enter this exploration together.

The pioneers of biblical leadership: women who dared.

Rahab: Strategic intelligence at the service of faith.

The name Rahab means ” wide,, spacious“, A possible allusion to his profession or to his genital system. However, this woman rejected by society has become a key figure in biblical history.

When the spies sent by Joshua were in danger, it was Rahab who assured their protection by hiding and negotiating their survival (Joshua 2: 6-13, LSG). It demonstrates leadership based on faith, strategy and a clear vision of the future.

While everything Jericho was trembling with fear before the Israelites, she alone understood that God would deliver the city. His intelligence and audacity allowed him not only to save his family, but also to enter the Messianic line (Matthieu 1: 5, LSG).

Rahab teaches us that God does not look at where we come from, but what we decide to do with faith.

Esther: the courage of a queen who changes history.

The scene is worthy of a film. An orphan young woman, who has become almost in spite of herself, finds herself in front of a dilemma: to speak and risk death, or to be silent and see her exterminated people.

But Esther Don't just wait. She mobilizes (Esther 4:16, LSG), she plannedShe act. She understands that leadership is not limited to authority, but that it includes wisdom, faith and the sense of timing.

Its leadership is based on a combination of political strategy and confidence in God.

Déborah: A woman at the head of a nation.

If the idea of ​​a woman at the head of a country seems modern to you, know that Deborah did it long before our time. Only woman judges in Israel, she ruled the people with wisdom and justice (judges 4: 4-9, LSG).

His influence was such that Barakmilitary leader, refused to go to war without her:

“” If you come with me, I will go; But if you don't come with me, I won't go. »(Judges 4: 8, LSG).

Déborah proves that Leadership does not depend on gender or cultural norms, but on the character and the call of God.

And in the New Testament? Women on mission.

If some people think that the New Testament reduces the role of women, an attentive look proves the opposite.

The first witnesses of the resurrection.

At a time when the word of a woman had no legal weight, Jesus nevertheless decides to appear first to Marie de Magdala and to other women after his resurrection (Matthew 28: 1-8, LSG). Even more, he entrusts them to them the mission to announce this news to the disciples.

Jesus trusted them. Why would we not trust them today?

Tabitha (Dorcas): leadership by social impact.

Tabitha was neither prophetess nor queen. However, his social commitment was so powerful that his death caused such a shock that was called the Apostle Peter to pray for his resurrection (Acts 9: 36-42, LSG).

She was a pillar in her community, a woman who embodied leadership by concrete action and service.

Phoebe and Priscille: essential figures of the primitive church.

The apostle Paul mentions Phoebe as an essential diaconesse at the work of the church (Romans 16: 1-2, LSG). It welcomed the missionaries, supported the servants of God financially and played a diplomatic role in the Church.

As of Priscalher name is systematically quoted before that of her husband Aquilas, which, at the time, was a sign of its importance. It was she who taught the floor to Apollos, an influential preacher (Proceedings 18: 24-26, LSG).

Women were much more than simple spectators in the primitive church. They were actresses of the kingdom.

Female leadership today: where are we?

We have traveled biblical history, but what about today?

Despite these powerful examples, many women still come up against resistance when they want to exercise leadership in the church. However, the talents and the call of God are not a matter of gender.

Christian female leadership is not a modern claim, it is a biblical reality.

A call to action. 111

We have seen women who have directed,, influenced and transformed their era. Today, this same call still resonates.

If God has equipped you with donations, Dare to use them!

If you are a man, Support and encourage women called to serve!

The church of the 21st century needs all its workers, without distinction of gender. So, ready to answer the call?

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