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China, Detained Christian journalist sends heartbreaking letter to her mother who suffers from cancer

“I hope Mom can have faith in Jesus like I do because Jesus added a lot of gentleness to my pain and also made me respond more calmly to some friction. »

The journalist Zhang Zhan has been detained in China since her reporting in 2020 on the Covid pandemic in Wuhan. In prison she sent a letter of encouragement to his mother who suffers from cancer.

It was her brother, Zhang Ju, who revealed this letter on December 17, in which she encourages her mother who will undergo regeneration, by quoting the Bible.

“He will not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoldering wick, until he has brought justice to triumph.” Mom, this is God’s promise to us. May the fire of life in your heart grow stronger and stronger so that you…


The article was written by: The editorial staff of


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