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Childlike trust in the Lord, Crossing devotion

Childlike trust in the Lord

by Shawn McEvoy


O Lord, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty;
I also don’t get involved in big affairs or things that are too difficult for me.
I have surely composed and soothed my soul;
As a weaned child rests against its mother,
My soul is like a weaned child within me.
Psalm 131:1-2NAS

Like many psalms, this song was written by David – the man who would be Israel’s greatest king. Does David come to mind when you think of someone “not involved in big affairs” (kingdom conflicts, perhaps)? Or indifferent to “things too difficult” (killing a giant, anyone)? No, that doesn’t really sound like David to me. It doesn’t really sound like me most of the time either.

Let’s take a look at three things that stand out in this little psalm:

1) Attitude. David’s “heart” – his inner being, his spirit, is not proud… of the things he has done, of where he has been, and of where he is going… but he does not fight neither. He’s just… happy.

2) Appetite. David’s “eyes” – his senses – are not haughty. He doesn’t try to please them. He doesn’t seem arrogant. He knows who he is and that his needs are not met by himself. He is not worried about feeding himself like a baby, he does not try to eat out of boredom, like my 2 year old son.

3) Aptitude. David places the responsibility for this peaceful state on himself. Not circumstances, not achievements, not even about God. ” Certainly I calmed my soul,” he said.

Taken all together, this shows us what trust looks like and helps us understand why trust in God brings such healing peace. Jesus said we must have Faith like children coming to him. Apparently, trust is also better illustrated in small children.

David’s “speech” is not to be proud; his “walk” then reinforces him by what he “implies” (or does not mean) in himself. That’s not to say that God didn’t give him – or you – important things to do, just what David did “declared himself free from excessive ambition” (Ryrie’s study notes).

Not singing to oneself, not filling one’s senses, seeking only the will to be silent before God – this is trust. A “weaned child” instinctively knows where to find confidence. By extension, and through the example of “man after the heart of God”, so do we.

Intersection of faith and life: “Involve” yourself in a small, humble affair today – perhaps a child’s bickering, creating a meal, or taking a walk – and see if you can compose your soul.

Further reading

Matthew 18:4-5
When old men trustby Calvin Miller

Childlike trust in the Lord Going through devotion

Check out some fantastic resources at Faith, FamilyAnd Fun has!

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