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Celebration of Tami’s 16 Years of Ministry and Signature Sale Concert, the bet was well met!

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Sitting very quietly, pen in hand, she never tires of smiling at the fans standing in a queue, each waiting in turn like a good child before receiving a little dedication on the cover of their albums by the artist in signature. Between colors, photos, selfies and background music, we notice an audience apparently very enthusiastic and thirsty for atmosphere and good music.

To raise the curtain, following the introduction of Sony Lamarre, master of ceremonies for the evening, the villate was treated to a fine line-up of artists: Lourdie Jean Charles offered a very good interpretation of the song “To God be the glory!” » a piece very well received by the public. Néhémie Bastien, a former student of Tami, with all her energy, continued with 2 beautiful pieces that the audience savored with appetite. The group Astharmonie, for its part, almost ruined the atmosphere, but quickly made up for it especially in their second song by intelligently mixing some old hits from other groups well known by the public . Blousena Stéphanie Bigord, after a long time of absence, returned and performed two songs that the audience had the pleasure of singing with their eyes closed. our national Lilie Dor, accompanied by her own musicians and chorus, closed this part by performing with virtuosity 2 beautiful titles.

“Mwen rele Jezi before the throne for banm viktwa anko”. This is the sentence that announced Tami’s arrival. Succinctly, this sentence presents the latest works and latest successes of the singer just before her second album “Mwen rele Jezi”.

Between the play of light and the sequins of her magnificent blue evening dress with a semi-train blended into the decor, Villate had to deal with a Tami who was all fire, all flame. Under the applause of the fans, she took over the podium like a true star. In addition to her talent as a singer, she showed herself to be a good dancer thanks to her dance movements paired with her beautiful smiles. “Eyaweee, owouo” is the groove dominating the first music sung by the artist with enthusiasm and rigor. Accompanied by the young dancer, little Leika Francois, 10 years old, Tami continued with her second song “Bondye pral di yon mo”. Having made the trip to Villate, the public did not hesitate one iota to prove their attachment and love to the artist. Guided by maestro Nicky on guitar, the Villate performed in unison and at the top of their lungs some of the singer’s old hits like a good traditional choir led by an excellent conductor. As previously announced during promotions for the , Tami offered two special gifts to the fans, a compass groove that the audience had the opportunity to delight in and an Afro groove. The artist made the Villate travel very far through a bubbling rhythm from Africa in collaboration with Frè Alexis and maestro David Morinvil. Berlie Valcin, the winner of the Tami Prize, was also among those who performed with the singer during this[1] evening of celebration and . Together they performed “Souple lave m”, a song engraved in 9th place on the laser.

For the celebration of Tami’s 16 years of ministry and her concert , the bet was well met. Everything went very well. Even after the artist’s last performance, we could visibly see an audience that was asking for more despite the time being not young. Voila, the latest album finally available with all its varieties. Lovers of good music, it’s now up to you to discover or rediscover it and you’ll tell us the news…

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