BGospel Magazine espagnol
BGospel Magazine francophone


What are the origin and purpose of church bells?

THE Bible does not require or prohibit the ringing of bells but encourages the faithful to “make...

King Solomon, Protestant Views

The name Solomon, Shlomo in Hebrew, comes from the root Shalom which means peace. The years...

Should the Great Commission apply to immigration? by the evangelical immigration table

This article is adapted from the eBook, Biblical Reflection on Immigrants and Immigration Reform from the evangelical...

What place for Jesus, Christ in the religious inauguration?

There are several great religions in the world and it is probable, from human point of view,...

Cornelius, the kind centurion, Protestant views

He is a centurion and is therefore at the head of a hundred soldiers. Considering his...

What does it mean that Jesus is the prince of peace?

The prophet Isaiah predicted the coming of the Messiah around 700 BC. His prophecies recorded in the...

4 Things We Can Learn About Elijah’s Prayer

4 Things We Can Learn About Elijah's Prayer “Elijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed fervently for no rain...

Can a Christian practice Buddhist meditation methods?

THE Bible affirms the necessity of meditation many times, but is biblical meditation different from Buddhist meditation? ...

Conference on Vision for Church and Culture

In just a few weeks, the fifth annual report Church & Culture Conference will take place at Mecklenburg...

Next time you want to sin, remember this sobering thought

Just for a moment, imagine that you are our Heavenly Father and have spoken of a perfect world....

Populaires 48 H

Be in search of God, “whatever the cost”!

To attain maturity through the new nature is to become in the stature of Jesus. How...

July 3, Love your enemies as your friends.

Which of the three was next to him who fell among the bandits? It is he...

Do you have unfair expectations? , Crossing devotion

EDITOR'S NOTE: We are pleased to announce that this devotional will soon be available in audio version as...

a promise from God

Ephesians 6:8 knowing that each one, whether slave or free, will receive from the Lord according to the good he has done. When you help...

A way out of distress

So we know that God's law contains instructions for a good life, a blessed life. Unfortunately, simply...

The Distance from God, Dr. James Emery White

John Crowe Ransom once observed how winter could be a season of the heart as much as a...

Who was Jacob in the Bible? Why did he struggle with God?

When is Jacob first mentioned in the Bible? Jacob is first mentioned in the Bible Genesis 25. When Jacob's mother Rebekah was pregnant with...