BGospel Magazine espagnol
BGospel Magazine francophone


Everything will go well if you have confidence

Acts 27:25 Therefore, my friends, take courage! I trust in God: everything will happen as I was told. Who steers your ship through the...

The dangers of impatience

Not having understood the meaning of the famine in her hometown, Elimelech left with her entire family to look for bread elsewhere. ...

Spend a little more time with your God

Good evening, David, faced with the attacks of his enemies, emphasizes that the only refuge is found in God, because it is to him...

The authority of the child of God

Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing...

the decision belongs to Jesus alone

Matthew 14:28-32 Jesus immediately said to them: “Don’t worry, it’s me. Do not be afraid!" Peter answered, “Lord, if it is you,...

Man’s life on earth is generally a real struggle.

Good evening, Man's life on earth is generally a real struggle. Every day, obstacles (illnesses, temptations, adversity, physical and moral suffering) continue to...

If you walk in the ways of God…

1 Kings 3:13-14…Moreover, I will give you what you did not ask for: riches and glory, so that as long as you live...

Understanding the Doctrine of Christ: A Guide for Believers

The Importance of Doctrine in Faith: Embracing Christ's Teachings The word "doctrine" derives from the Latin "doctrina," encompassing teachings, theories, and methods that guide religious...

How to recognize a true prophecy?

What You Need to Know About Biblical Prophecy What is Prophecy? Prophecy is the communication of divine revelation from God to chosen individuals, whether male or...
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Populaires 48 H

History of Jacob in the Bible and symbolism of his fight with the Angel

Symbolic of Jacob's fight with the angel revealed The story of Jacob in the Bible is captivating and rich in lessons. Jacob, an emblematic figure...

Lost art of community construction

Definition of exhortation in the Bible Exhortation, derived from Greek parakalemeans not only encouragebut also advise And love. In the Scriptures, this term evokes a...

Are there still apostles today? The history of the apostles and their successors

The apostles: a unique and non-transmissible role. One of the great debates in the contemporary church concerns the question of whether there are still apostles...

The testimony of Marie -Madeleine – the good news of the resurrection

Marie-Madeleine's testimony: a path to light Marie-Madeleine occupies a unique place in biblical history as a privileged witness to the resurrection of Jesus. Her journey,...

God's response to man's despair

The incredible story of Abraham and his divine call I'm going to tell you a story that goes back for a long time, but whose...

Thank God for all things, Donato Anzalone

Have you ever read a verse in the Bible and thought that God would have been better off not including it in His...

Authenticity vs profit – church and marketing today

Church and marketing: a contemporary spiritual challenge In the modern world, where consumption and materialism reign supreme, the message of Matthew 6:24 resonates with increased...