Good evening,
Man's life on earth is generally a real struggle. Every day, obstacles (illnesses, temptations, adversity, physical and moral suffering) continue to...
The Importance of Doctrine in Faith: Embracing Christ's Teachings
The word "doctrine" derives from the Latin "doctrina," encompassing teachings, theories, and methods that guide religious...
What You Need to Know About Biblical Prophecy
What is Prophecy?
Prophecy is the communication of divine revelation from God to chosen individuals, whether male or...
Definition of exhortation in the Bible
Exhortation, derived from Greek parakalemeans not only encouragebut also advise And love. In the Scriptures, this term evokes a...
The apostles: a unique and non-transmissible role.
One of the great debates in the contemporary church concerns the question of whether there are still apostles...
Marie-Madeleine's testimony: a path to light
Marie-Madeleine occupies a unique place in biblical history as a privileged witness to the resurrection of Jesus. Her journey,...
Church and marketing: a contemporary spiritual challenge
In the modern world, where consumption and materialism reign supreme, the message of Matthew 6:24 resonates with increased...