The Spiritual Foundation of 40 Days of Fasting
The practice of fasting for 40 days is deeply embedded in Christian traditions, serving as a profound...
Discerning Spirits
In an era where pastors, prophets and apostles are multiplying, and where spectacular demonstrations on social networks are proliferating, it becomes crucial to...
1. Before creation, God decided to seek worshipers who would in turn seek him,
will humble themselves, acknowledge...
Exploring the Teachings of Jesus Christ Today
One of the most profound questions in Christianity is encapsulated in Matthew 22:42: "What do you think of...
Definition of exhortation in the Bible
Exhortation, derived from Greek parakalemeans not only encouragebut also advise And love. In the Scriptures, this term evokes a...
The apostles: a unique and non-transmissible role.
One of the great debates in the contemporary church concerns the question of whether there are still apostles...
Marie-Madeleine's testimony: a path to light
Marie-Madeleine occupies a unique place in biblical history as a privileged witness to the resurrection of Jesus. Her journey,...
Church and marketing: a contemporary spiritual challenge
In the modern world, where consumption and materialism reign supreme, the message of Matthew 6:24 resonates with increased...