BGospel Magazine espagnol
BGospel Magazine francophone


The divine power of Moses and its history

The divine power of Moses and his history. Discover the incredible journey of the people of Israel and the fidelity of God through the...

God's response to man's despair

The incredible story of Abraham and his divine call I'm going to tell you a story that goes back for a long time, but whose...

History of Jacob in the Bible and symbolism of his fight with the Angel

Symbolic of Jacob's fight with the angel revealed The story of Jacob in the Bible is captivating and rich in lessons. Jacob, an emblematic figure...

Understanding the Significance of 40 Days of Fasting

The Spiritual Foundation of 40 Days of Fasting The practice of fasting for 40 days is deeply embedded in Christian traditions, serving as a profound...

Discerning Spirits: How to Know if They Are from God? – 4 Tips

Discerning Spirits In an era where pastors, prophets and apostles are multiplying, and where spectacular demonstrations on social networks are proliferating, it becomes crucial to...

Applying Philippians 4:13 in Daily Life

 Apply Philippians 4:13 : I can do all things through Christ who strengthens m The verse Philippians 4:13 states, "I can do all things through...

How Faith Helps Overcome Fear and Achieve Spiritual Victory

God's desire is for each of us to grow spiritually and prosper financially; He wants us to move from victory to victory. For this,...

How can the Church compassionately address sex for singles?

How can the Church approach the topic of sex in a caring way to singles? There's a good reason why the Church doesn't talk to...

7 Things the Bible Says About Seeking God

7 OTHER THINGS ABOUT SEARCHING FOR GOD 1. Before creation, God decided to seek worshipers who would in turn seek him, will humble themselves, acknowledge...

Who is Jesus Christ? Understanding His Teachings

Exploring the Teachings of Jesus Christ Today One of the most profound questions in Christianity is encapsulated in Matthew 22:42: "What do you think of...
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Populaires 48 H

Lost art of community construction

Definition of exhortation in the Bible Exhortation, derived from Greek parakalemeans not only encouragebut also advise And love. In the Scriptures, this term evokes a...

History of Jacob in the Bible and symbolism of his fight with the Angel

Symbolic of Jacob's fight with the angel revealed The story of Jacob in the Bible is captivating and rich in lessons. Jacob, an emblematic figure...

God's response to man's despair

The incredible story of Abraham and his divine call I'm going to tell you a story that goes back for a long time, but whose...

Are there still apostles today? The history of the apostles and their successors

The apostles: a unique and non-transmissible role. One of the great debates in the contemporary church concerns the question of whether there are still apostles...

The testimony of Marie -Madeleine – the good news of the resurrection

Marie-Madeleine's testimony: a path to light Marie-Madeleine occupies a unique place in biblical history as a privileged witness to the resurrection of Jesus. Her journey,...

Authenticity vs profit – church and marketing today

Church and marketing: a contemporary spiritual challenge In the modern world, where consumption and materialism reign supreme, the message of Matthew 6:24 resonates with increased...

Thank God for all things, Donato Anzalone

Have you ever read a verse in the Bible and thought that God would have been better off not including it in His...