BGospel Magazine espagnol
BGospel Magazine francophone


So that God forgives you…

All the prophets bear witness of Him (Jesus Christ) that whoever believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name Acts 10:43. Under...

Andrew Wommack, Can You Believe It?

“And Zechariah said to the angel: By what shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is...

Ryu Kwangsu, The Resolve of Faith

Through Sunday worship, we receive grace and begin a new week on Monday. However, we often forget the grace we have received,...

the Lord establishes the steps of man

Psalms 37:23The LORD establishes the steps of man, and delights in his way; God is always there to direct your steps. When your...

your relationship with God

Hebrews 11:7It was by faith that Noah, divinely warned of things not yet seen, and seized with reverent fear, built an ark to...

Frédéric Emane – Believe without having seen

If I had to define faith in a simple way, I would say this: “faith is believing without having seen”. In our everyday lives...

Jeremy Sourdril, Pursue your enemy!

“He who remembers correction goes on the path of life, but he who forgets reproof goes astray” (Proverbs 10:17). Someone said that our greatest...

a promise from God

Ephesians 6:8 knowing that each one, whether slave or free, will receive from the Lord according to the good he has done. When you help...

Donato Anzalone, God’s plans will come true

“Yes, I call on God, the Most High, God who will bring everything to fruition for me.” (Psalms 57.2 – sower) Another...

be full of affection for each other

Romans 12:10 Out of brotherly love, be full of affection for one another; out of honor, use reciprocal consideration. The fruits of affection...
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Populaires 48 H

July 8, Prudence.

Finally, be all animated by the same thoughts and feelings, full of brotherly love, compassion, humility. 1...

Honor God in your work, UpWords

Honor God in your work by Max Lucado The celestial calendar has seven Sundays per week. God...

July 7, Christian courtesy.

As I have loved you, so love one another. John 13:34. The value of politeness is too little appreciated....

Jesus, an example of social relations.

Three days later there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there, and Jesus...

Is it true that “with God all things are possible”? What does this verse really mean?

“With God all things are possible” Verse in the Scriptures The story Matthew 19 tells how a rich man asked,...

Miki Hardy, I beg your pardon

Lately in the church we hear a lot about the repentance. The Bible is filled with scriptural examples and many of us...

What is the horn of salvation in the Bible?

What does the horn of salvation mean? In his "Exposition of the Bible", John Gill illustrated the horn...