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BGospel Magazine francophone


Becoming mature means taking responsibility for the church.

Achieving maturity means seeing and experiencing the church with the eyes of Jesus. The purpose of...

July 3, Love your enemies as your friends.

Which of the three was next to him who fell among the bandits? It is he...

Love your fellow human beings as Christ loved them.

This is my commandment: love others, as I have loved you. John 15:12. Christ put his divine teachings into...

Why did Cain rebel?

An Internet user asks us: "Why was being rebellious against his brother when Abel's offer was found...

Jesus, an example of social relations.

Three days later there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there, and Jesus...

June 30, Do not doubt.

We know May all things work together for good to those who love God, to those...

June 29, Fear nothing.

Do not fear, I call you by your name: you are mine. Isaiah 43:1. Our trials are often...

To become mature is to become holy.

To attain maturity is to attain the stature of holiness like Jesus. This item To become mature...

June 28, Don’t cry.

Why are you crying? John 20:15. He them Often happened to say again: "We hoped that it...

Ask for signs of confirmation from the Lord

The Lord knows our weakness in long waits, and He has already provided for the sending of...
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Populaires 48 H

Who was Lot’s wife? What happened to him and why?

Lots' wife is an unnamed woman mentioned in the Bible very few times. First come Genesis 19:15-16,...

How to recognize a true prophecy?

What You Need to Know About Biblical Prophecy What is Prophecy? Prophecy is the communication of divine revelation from God to chosen individuals, whether male or...

Understanding the Significance of 40 Days of Fasting

The Spiritual Foundation of 40 Days of Fasting The practice of fasting for 40 days is deeply embedded in Christian traditions, serving as a profound...

Childlike trust in the Lord, Crossing devotion

Childlike trust in the Lord by Shawn McEvoy O Lord, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty; I...

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Leave Your Church

Let's be honest, while there are good reasons to leave a church, there are many more bad ones. As a pastor, I...

What is exhortation in the Bible?

Definition of exhortation In modern usage, exhort can mean “To incite by discussion or advice: to exhort firmly.” We could use exhort interchangeably with invoke,...

Your spouse’s victories are your victories, Devotional Couples

Your spouse's earnings are your earnings By: Amanda Idleman “love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy,...