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Canada, the dizzying decline of religious people of more than 30% between 2015 and 2020

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<>– Advetsement –

Stee declne of elgous men and women

<>Last Al, the Quebec newsae Le Devo devoted an nvestgaton to the nceasngly obvous extncton of elgous congegatons n La Belle Povnce n atcula and n Canada n geneal – the The advanced age of elgous men and women now makes t ossble to edct, fom a human esectve, the vtual dsaeaance of nsttutes of consecated lfe n the county wthn a geneaton.
<> “Ths declne s Westen, dzzyng and nevtable. At the zenth, n the 1960s, the congegatons of Quebec had nealy 50,000 membes. Sx decades late, they bng togethe fewe than 8,000 eole, half of whom ae ove 85 yeas old.
<>Dven by old age, the eoson of congegatons s acceleatng, accodng to data fom the Canadan Relgous Confeence (CRC). Between 2015 and 2020, the CRC ecoded 3,578 deaths wthn the county’s congegatons, eesentng a loss of 30% of the membesh n just fve yeas. Dung ths tme, 195 eole enteed elgon. Eghteen deaths, theefoe, fo each new aval.
<>“I don’t thnk t’s ossble to evese ths declne,” thnks Jean-Mchel Bgou, deuty decto of communcatons fo the CRC. Socety has evolved a lot. Hs values ​​too. HAS”
<>The amant seculazaton saked by the Quet Revoluton caused the collase of elgous attachment n Quebec n the 1960s. Reettve sexual abuse wthn of the Chuch, hghlghted fo 30 yeas, have comleted t, accodng to M. Bgou.
<>lnk to atcle

Souce lnk


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