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Bible Alliance, An invitation to write a poem in the style of a Psalm

This Thursday, November 24, is International Bible Day.

The French Bible Alliance invites you to write a poem in the style of the biblical psalms which must address the question of solidarity.

A text will be selected to be published in the Month of the Bible magazine which will be distributed in 20,000 copies in March 2023.

Here are some instructions for those who wish to participate in this initiative:

– Your poem should be written in the style of a psalm.
– Your poem must address the issue of solidarity. There are many possible angles: poverty, generosity, love of neighbor, justice, etc.
– Your poem must have a length that does not exceed 1200 characters (including spaces).

The psalms have been an inexhaustible source of inspiration for believers since the dawn of time. It’s your turn to let yourself be inspired by these words which make up the longest book of the Bible.

Thematic : Solidarity
Size : 1200 characters (including spaces)
Document format: Word
Age : From 7 to 107 years old
Deadline 1: December 15, 2022 (for the Print publication)*
Deadline 2: February 28, 2023 (for the MDB website)
Language : French

To participate, send your poem to:
[email protected]

Some psalms express:

Praise and Worship (cf Ps 111; 145),

The lament : it can be individual (ex: Ps 3; 5; 13) or collective (65; 80).

The famous Psalm 51 is an individual supplication, but also a collective one, as the psalmist feels himself a member of his people.

Frequent structure:

  1. short appeal to God,
  2. development on the description of the state of the unfortunate (sick, accused or persecuted whom his adversaries torment),
  3. repentance or proclamation of one’s innocence,
  4. proclamation of the goodness or power of God,
  5. conclusion with the proclamation of the psalmist’s confidence (already fulfilled).

The action of gracecollective (Ps 66; 124) or individual most often (Ps 18; 32).

The introduction is then in the form of praise, but the development is rather narrative.

for more information: download this PDF document

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