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behaviors that block the Christian

God has given us the gift of a new day. Blessed be his name!

Give us a few minutes of your precious time. We need to correct the which block…

Doubt sees the obstacles, faith sees the path. Brothers and Sisters, we must learn to set our prayer intentions. When it comes to God, our hearts should not be divided by two opposing feelings.

We ask God to heal us from an illness. We move our faith in order to achieve our goal. God is synonymous with positivity. Yet our lives revolve around negativity. Our subconscious must be emptied of all the bad thoughts that prevent our faith from growing in power. “I’m sick, I’m not doing too well.” These words are not based on faith.

There is only one creator. He is our God. He is omnipotent, omniscient. To see his glory, you have to believe in it. This is the only condition as Matthew 17:20 says “If you had faith like a mustard seed…nothing would be impossible for you” Perhaps too often we ask for things that are not in His will? Maybe we are comfortable in our illnesses? Maybe we read the Bible too little? Perhaps our times of prayer are so inferior to our times of gossip?

Brothers and sisters, learn to direct your minds toward God. He loves you. It is not too late for a new beginning towards the growing Faith. Believed and you will see the glory of God, you will enter His Kingdom.

This week remember Romans 8:15-17

God bless you!

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