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Authenticity vs profit – church and marketing today

Church and marketing: a contemporary spiritual challenge

In the modern world, where consumption and materialism reign supreme, the message of Matthew 6:24 resonates with increased relevance. This verse challenges us on the duality between our spiritual life and our material concerns, highlighting a dilemma with which the contemporary Church is confronted.

The crucial choice between God and Mammon

“No one can serve two masters. Because, or he will hate one and love the other, or he will attach himself to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon. This unequivocal statement places us before a fundamental choice. Mammon, often interpreted as wealth or personified money, represents here all the material concerns that can divert our attention from God.

The church in the face of the temptation of marketing

In a context where success is often measured in financial terms, the church is not immune to the temptation of marketing. Some religious communities may be tempted to adopt aggressive marketing strategies or to focus on material prosperity to the detriment of spiritual education. This approach is likely to compromise the integrity of the evangelical message and divert the faithful from their spiritual quest.

Find balance: serve God in a materialist world

The challenge for the modern church is to find a fair balance. It is not a question of completely rejecting the practical aspects of management, but of ensuring that these considerations do not take precedence over the spiritual mission. The church is called to be a Highlight of spiritual values In a world obsessed with material, reminding the faithful that their true treasure is in their relationship with God.

Towards an authentic church and faithful to its mission

To remain faithful to its call, the church must cultivate a radical authenticity in his way of living and transmitting the evangelical message. This implies resisting the pressure of complying with the world's commercial standards and maintaining an unshakable focus on the teachings of Christ. By making this courageous choice, the Church can offer a real counterpoint to ambient materialism and guide the faithful towards a life centered on God.


  • Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 6, verse 24
  • Biblical comments on Matthieu 6:24
  • Theological studies on the concept of mammon in the Bible

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