The apostles: a unique and non-transmissible role.
One of the great debates in the contemporary church concerns the question of whether there are still apostles today. Some, based on Ephesians 4: 8-12, claim that the apostolate is a function that is still active. However, a rigorous biblical and historical analysis shows that the role of apostle was unique and limited to the foundation of the Church.
The apostles: a group selected directly by Christ.
The Bible shows that Jesus had several disciples, but among them, he only chose Twelve apostles (Luke 6:13). This choice was not arbitrary: Jesus called them to a specific mission and trained them personally to be the direct witnesses of his life, his death and his resurrection.
The apostle stone confirms this criterion when it comes to replacing Judas:
“It is therefore necessary that, among those who accompanied us all the time that the Lord Jesus lived with us, from the baptism of John until the day when he was removed from the middle of us, there is one who is associated with us as witness to his resurrection. »» (Acts 1: 21-22)
This passage shows that To be Apostle, you had to have an eyewitness of Jesus Christ resurrected.
The apostle Paul is an exception to this rule, but He himself saw the risen Christ (Acts 9: 3-6) and received a special mission directly from him (Galatians 1: 1).
Why did the apostles not establish other apostles?
A major argument against the existence of apostles today is the fact that the apostles themselves have not designated successors to their function.
After the disappearance of the first apostles, it was not other “apostles” that took over, but the apostolic fathers. The latter were disciples of the apostles, but they never approached apostles. Their role was administrative and doctrinal: they directed the local churches and defended faith against the nascent heresies.
The history of the church also confirms this fact:
– Jeanslast living apostle, did not try to designate an apostolic successor. However, he had disciples (polycarpe, antioche ignace…).
– Apostolic Fatherswho succeeded the apostles, never called themselves “apostles”.
– Apologètes and teachers Then took over to defend the faith and structure the Church.
If the apostolate was to continue, why these men, who were closest to the apostles, did they not themselves proclaimed apostles? Simply because The apostolic role was unique and not transmitted.
What does Ephesians then mean 4:11?
Some use Ephesians 4:11 to justify the existence of the apostles today:
“” And he gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as pastors and doctors … »»
This passage does not mean that Christ continues to establish apostles today. The apostle Paul speaks here of the gifts that Christ gave to the Church in its entiretyand not perpetual functions.
The primitive church needed apostles To lay the foundation of faith. Once this foundation has been established, their mission was accomplished. This is why Paul writes:
“” You were built on the basis of the apostles and the prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the cornerstone.“” (Ephesians 2:20)
A foundation arises only once. Once the church is well established, continuity was ensured by other ministries (pastors, teachers, evangelists).
Contemporary drifts and lack of knowledge.
Today, many people proclaim themselves apostles out of ignorance of biblical and ecclesiastical history. They do not realize that the primitive church was no longer working with apostles After the generation of twelve and Paul.
Churches were led by old, bishops and deacons (1 Timothy 3: 1-13, Tite 1: 5-9). These titles are those that we find in the history of the Church after the apostles.
Those who proclaim themselves apostles today do not respect Neither the biblical criteria, nor the history of the Church. They are based on a misinterpretation of the Scriptures and often seek a title to establish their authority, while The real spiritual leadership is based on service and humility.
Conclusion: There are no more apostles today.
- An apostle had to be an eyewitness of the resurrection of Christ.
- The apostles have never designated other apostles after them.
- After them, the church was led by the apostolic fathers, then by bishops and teachers.
- The foundation of the apostles is unique and cannot be laid twice.
History and the Bible converge to affirm that the apostolic role ended with the apostles of the New Testament. Any modern pretension in this respect is an error based on a misunderstanding of the biblical text and the history of the Church.