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Andrew Wommack, Can You Believe It?

“And Zechariah said to the angel: By what shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years.” (Luke 1:18: )

Luke 1:5-25
5 In the days of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah, of the class of Abia; his wife was one of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. 6 Both were righteous before God, keeping all the commandments and judgments of the Lord blameless.

Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous (v. 6) and had been praying for a child for several years. They felt the same disappointments and frustrations that anyone in their position would have felt. But they continued to believe in God. The Lord finally answered their prayers and sent His angel to tell them the good news.
What was Zechariah’s reaction? He couldn’t believe it! Although the Lord granted him precisely what he had asked for, he had doubts. However, Zechariah had indeed received his miracle. Perhaps his wife’s faith helped him receive.

Likewise, you may be praying for the right things, you may even be sincere and earnest, but would you be surprised if those prayers were suddenly answered today? Have you made preparations so that your prayers will be answered?

Before the children of Israel were delivered from Egypt, they ate the Passover meal by faith. Their bags were packed and ready for departure. Likewise, we need to anticipate our prayers as already answered.

, imagine how you would feel or what you would do if the answer to your prayers were manifested right now. Then start thinking and acting that way. You will see your attitude change as you focus on the answer rather than the problem.


source: teachme

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