The “Rock Apostolic Chruch”, located in Spring Valley and directed by Pastor Jean Claude Dorcelly, hosted the second edition of the singer’s annual concert evangelical Francette Obel Christmas on Saturday June 3, 2023. A meeting which clearly lived up to expectations, according to the testimonies of some participants.
The event produced and directed by “Victorious Production” resulted in very successful performances. Were on display this year: Ti Bob of NazarethPastor Jean Claude Dorcelly, worshiper Guerda J. Saintable, Rigaud Dessources, sister Marie France Alexandre and the young artist Ruchama Jean-Claude. All these beautiful people helped to enhance the atmosphere of this evening alongside the artist of the day, Francette O. Christmaswho confirmed, through this new edition, his determination to remain constant on the musical scene and also his enormous talent.