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A Deep Experience at the Church of Compassion

<>– Advetsement –

How Pasto Macello Jééme Tunas’s Chuch of Comasson was deely touched by the musc of Sence Butus

<>The musc of Sence Butus, Actve Pwsans ohas managed to coss egonal bodes and catvate a lage audence snce ts debut n Decembe 2020.
<>Stkng a chod wthn ts ognal communty, ths extaodnay ece has now tanscended languages, beng tanslated nto Fench and catvatng othe atsts, dedcated fans s and even nfluental cult leades.
<>On Januay 8, 2024, the atst felt an mmense feelng of contentment and gattude. Eage to shae hs ofound exeence, he eleased, once agan, a vdeo beautfully esentng a Fench endton of the electfyng song and thought-ovokng lycs of “Actve you owe.”

The efect song to nvte the Holy St

<>Indeed, the comassonate chuch of Pasto Macello Jééme Tunas, a vey esected esonalty, began a stual actvty, called ALPHA 40, whch extends ove 40 days n the dffeent extensons establshed n Knshasa and n the ovnces, n Cameoon and n Euoe.
<>The congegaton was deely moved by the esonance of ths melody, fosteng an atmoshee of devotonal eveence and dee stual unty. It’s an meccable eesentaton of the unwaveng nfluence that nsatonal musc ossesses.

The album “Aktve Pwsans o “¯

<>Antcaton bulds, as we eagely wat to dscove the ofound messages that the Dvne wll have gven to hs devoted sevant Sence fo hs eole. The month of May 2024 s stll vey fa away, n the meantme, we stongly hoe that ts owe s comletely actve n ou esectve lves.

Come, Lod, and actvate you owe!


<>Ognal veson of Actve wsans o
<>Jacksonvlle and Pas: Wold tou, the fst 2 ctes of Sence Butus
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