Christian religious freedom increasingly under threat in the West, says Tony Perkins
In a recently released report, Tony Perkins, former chairman and commissioner of the United States Commission on religious freedom (USCIRF), highlighted growing concern about violations of the religious freedom against Christians in the Western world. The report highlights alarming examples of restrictions imposed on Christians in Western countries, previously considered bastions of freedom and religious tolerance.
According to Perkins, hostility toward Christians who adhere to the Bible is clearly steadily increasing in the West. Restrictions on freedom of expression and public prayer are among the most common violations noted in the report. Perkins stresses that these abuses are concerning to everyone who understands that religious freedom means being able to live out your faith in all aspects of your life.
Specific Examples of Violations of Religious Freedom
The report cites specific examples of violations of the religious freedomsuch as the arrest of Christians in United Kingdom for praying silently in front of abortion centers. In Germany, Perkins says a crackdown on alternative forms of faith-based education is underway. To United StatesChristian teachers and coaches are being fired for their beliefs about human sexuality, and Christian places of worship are increasingly threatened by acts of violence.
Perkins emphasizes that the religious freedom is the foundation of the human rights that Western democracies seek to promote abroad. However, he warns that if this fundamental human right is not protected within our borders, its ability to be promoted around the world will be lost.
The report is intended as a reminder of the scale of violations committed by Western government officials targeting the ability of Christians to practice and express their faith, particularly in public spaces. Its goal is to sound the alarm and encourage lawmakers at all levels to establish limits and safeguards to protect against future abuse.
Here are the 15 countries mentioned in the report:
Usa 58
Canada 36
united kingdom 43
Greece 6
Australia 4
Norway 3
Germany 3
Spain 3
Finland 2
New Zealand 1
Natvia 1
Malta 1
Swetzerland 1
France 1
Luxembourg 1
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